Version 1.16
Release date: December 8, 2021
See other people during crowded presentations
When a session uses Horizontal speaker layout, the first five people who have turned on their camera or microphone appear at the bottom of the screen. This leaves plenty of space for the active speaker or shared screen, but it used to mean that extra people were hidden.
As an improvement to this experience, you can now scroll to view more people.
Give more credit for the most important CE content
You can now specify CE credit values for each component piece of content. This lets you give more weight to more important content.
In this example, each piece of content has its own weight, adding up to 5 total CE credits.
Other improvements
Speakers will now appear in the backstage list.
More progress on paginating larger numbers of live attendees.
Added a tracks breakdown in the analytics roll-up. You can now get a full view of courses with the programs, tracks, and lessons breakdowns all in one place.
Design improvements
Improved the display of external links so that they don’t overflow their container when they’re too long.
Made accessibility improvements to the Help Chat button.
New configuration options
Continuing education
You can now change the text of the messages that users see when managing and claiming their CE.
You can now choose to automatically force log-out users who are sharing the same site credentials.
You can now choose to show past sessions in the schedule if you’re using secondary tab navigation to filter by date. This means that all date tabs will stay visible even after the date has passed. Without this configuration option, those tabs would normally disappear.
Access levels
Changed the default behavior of access level tags to require any instead of all of a session’s tags to allow access. You can now choose to require all if desired.
Moderation messages
You can now change the text of the confirmation message shown before you block someone.
You can now change the text of the Account has been suspended dialog.