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JUNO Live Version 2.8.0

Release date: January 27, 2023


A new way to view sitewide analytics PLATFORM

For site admins, platform data is now easier to examine because it is visually graphed and categorized. This new Basic Analytics page is located in the More navigation menu and is only accessible to site admins.

This feature will be added to active client sites once we review and finalize functionality.

Please note that all existing analytics pages and reports are still available. This page is an addition to existing reports.

Examining the number of live sessions that occurred over the last 30 days.

The page categorizes your data into widgets. Filters at the top of the page help you quickly find the topic you’re looking for, based on the content or activity category. For example, “Forum Views” and “Live Sessions” are two widgets. Each one displays data in a line graph, to help you understand your data over time. You narrow that time frame with a filter.

Widgets are expandable to see more details. Hover over a specific date to examine the graph on a specific day in the past. Or for even more granularity, filter the time frame to a single day and examine the graph by the hour.

Finally, you can download a CSV report from each widget to get all the data and its specifics.

These are all of the available widgets (click to expand):

Click to expand



Data in the downloaded CSV report

Active Users

Users that logged in at least once within your specified timeframe.

  • user_id

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Company

  • Email

    • Total log in count

    • Activity Points Earned

  • Last login time stamp

  • Date Created

  • Tags (non-preferred)

  • Tags (preferred)

New Users

New Users created within your specified timeframe.

User Activity Points

Activity Points earned by Users within your specified timeframe.

Live Sessions

Sessions that were live within your specified timeframe.

  • Content ID

  • Content Name

    • Total Users Attended

  • Content Slug

  • Session Date Created

Forum Views

Total user views of your forum within your specified timeframe.

  • Forum Topic ID

  • Forum Topic Title

    • Total User Views

    • Total User Posts

    • Total User Comments

    • Total User Comment Likes

    • Total User Followers

  • Forum Topic Date Created

Forum Posts

Total forum posts created within your specified timeframe.

Forum Comments

Total new comments on forum posts within your specified timeframe.

Forum Topic Follows

Total new forum topic follows within your specified timeframe.

Social Feed Posts

Social Feed posts created within your specified timeframe.

  • Feed Post ID

  • Feed Post Content

  • Total User Views

  • Total User Likes

  • Total User Comments

  • Total User Comment Likes

Direct Messaging Conversations

Total # of 1:1 Direct messaging invites initiated within your specified timeframe.

No report available.

1:1 Meetings Scheduled

Total # of 1:1 Meetings scheduled within your specified timeframe.

This report is available in a different location. Go to the Analytics tab in the site admin dashboard and download the Activity Report. In the Category column, search for ‘Schedule Complete’ to see all meetings scheduled and the users' names.

Partner Page Views

Total Partner page (Exhibitor suite) views within your specified timeframe. (Unique by user)

  • Partner Page ID

  • Partner Page Name

    • Partner Page Views (unique count)

    • Meetings Scheduled

    • Chats Initiated

  • Partner Page Slug

  • Partner Page Date Created

Partner Chats

Total direct message chats started with Partners within your specified timeframe. (This means a user clicked a “Message” button on the partner page.)

Meetings With Partners

Total scheduled meetings with Partners within your specified timeframe. (This means a user clicked a “Schedule” button on the partner page.)



Schedule EVENTS

  • The PDF export button on the schedule page is now called My Schedule. It only exports sessions the user is attending, rather than all sessions. If the schedule is filtered, it only includes sessions they are attending that are within that filter. Files that are large enough are not downloaded immediately; Instead, users get a push notification and a profile notification when it’s ready.

A notification that the PDF schedule is ready.

Magic links PLATFORM

  • Magic links are included in the welcome email sent to imported users.

Design improvements PLATFORM

  • On mobile devices, replaced the Filter button with a smaller icon button. This gives the search bar more space on the screen so that you can see what you are typing.

New configuration options

Magic links PLATFORM

Previously, users were logged out immediately when their magic link expired. Now, the platform checks (at a consistent “heartbeat” interval) if the user is active on the site. If they are active (moving their cursor, tapping, or typing), they aren’t logged out. If they aren’t active, they will be logged out after a 1 hour buffer period; You can adjust the length of the buffer.

We recommend setting the buffer to the average session time to prevent users from being logged out in the middle of a session.



  • Corrected an issue with the logout button not functioning from the profile page.

Navigation PLATFORM

  • Corrected an issue preventing the ability to link to external locations.

  • Corrected an issue with the mobile app back button colliding with the primary navigation logo.

  • Corrected an issue with the back button not functioning on the mobile app.

  • Corrected an issue with the mobile app’s ability to correctly route a user upon login.

Notifications PLATFORM

  • Corrected an issue with in-app push notifications drawing beneath the mobile device’s information bar.

  • Corrected an issue with a PDF download notification remaining unread after being clicked.

  • Removed unwanted text and icons from targeted notifications.

  • Corrected an issue causing a 1:1 meeting’s initiating user to not be listed in the recipient’s profile notification.

Sessions EVENTS

  • Corrected an issue allowing users to enter a session that was already at capacity.

  • Corrected an issue preventing the specified number of users from attending a session.

  • Corrected an issue causing the share screen button to not function as expected in a live session.

Schedule EVENTS

  • Corrected an issue with the schedule page PDF download button state not updating in real time when ‘attend’ or ‘unattend’ is clicked.

  • Changed user schedule export to be handled on the backend for increased performance.

  • Corrected an issue preventing more than 20 attended sessions to be included in a user’s schedule export.

Exhibitors EVENTS

  • Corrected an issue in the mobile app that prevented users from downloading resources on partner pages.


  • Corrected an issue preventing resources from being downloaded.

Forum and Social Feed COMMUNITY

  • Corrected an error message occurring when commenting on a feed or forum post.

  • Corrected an error message that said that PDFs were an accepted media attachment. PDFs are not supported in the forum or social feed.

  • Corrected an issue on mobile devices with the 'Create Post' button repositioning after commenting or creating a post.

  • Corrected an issue with a forum topic’s Read/Unread counts being missing from topic tiles.


  • Corrected an issue with the Claim CE button not appearing on the mobile app.

  • Corrected a condition allowing users to receive an additional unearned credit when claiming in certain circumstances.

Front-end editor PLATFORM

  • Corrected a condition allowing multiple dialog screens to stack up when repeatedly pressing the spacebar.

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