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Image and image editor specifications

This article is about the JUNO v2 community platform. If you don’t see these features on your site, your platform still uses the JUNO v1 image specifications.

This document provides guidance on using the image editor across different sections of the site. It focuses on aspect ratios and best practices for image sizing. It includes information on forced aspect ratios and how to use the editor effectively.

Know before you go.

Image editor usage

  • General use: Most image editors on the site allow access to all aspect ratios. Upon uploading an image, you can choose and apply a different aspect ratio.

  • Default aspect ratio: The editor defaults to 1:1 when opened.

  • Saving changes: If no changes are saved, the uploaded image will remain unaltered. Exiting the editor will leave the original image intact.

Best practices

  • Correct aspect ratio: Upload images in the correct aspect ratio or pixel format for the intended use case.

  • Avoid unnecessary edits: If the uploaded image is already correctly sized, avoid unnecessary editing.

  • Overwriting warning: Any saved changes will overwrite the original image. To revert, discard the image and upload the original again.

  • Standardize grids and rotators: Configure and set a standard for grids and rotators across your site to ensure consistent image sizes and minimize unnecessary edits.
    Learn more about grids or rotators.

Forced aspect ratios for banners

In some areas, banner images enforce a specific aspect ratio 25:8 (1440x461). When this enforcement is in place, the editor will not offer other aspect ratio options, allowing only zoom and straighten adjustments.

Grid and rotator items

The site's grid and rotator modules allow content to be displayed in configurable variants, including different widths, heights, and spacing. Due to this flexibility, we do not enforce a specific aspect ratio for Primary Course, Group List, Session Icon/Preview, or Speaker images.

  • Site admin speaker grid page: In the site admin, the speaker's grid page defaults to circular grid items, which cannot be changed.

  • Other areas: For all other aspects of the site, you can update these options within the module you choose to pull in content.

Recommendations for grid and rotator items

  • choose between ratios 1:1, 3:4, or 4:5 for these content image items (see the conversion table below for details).

  • Configure and set a standard for grids and rotators across your site to minimize unnecessary edits, ensuring consistent image sizes in all these areas.
    Learn more about grids or rotators.

A summary of recommended image sizes

Full-width web banners:

  • 16:9 - 1920x1080, 2560x1440

  • 25:8 - 2400x768, 3000x1000

Web side-by-side components:

  • 4:3 - 600x450, 800x600

  • 16:9 - 1280x720, 1600x900

Profile images, grids, and rotator items:

  • 1:1 - 200x200, 400x400

  • 3:4 - 300x400, 600x800

  • 4:5 - 400x500, 800x1000

Community post images:

  • 4:3 - 800x600, 1024x768

  • 5:4 - 1000x800, 1250x1000

  • 16:9 - 1200x675, 1600x900

  • 4:5 - 800x1000, 1200x1500

  • 9:16 - 1080x1920, 720x1280

Full aspect ratio guide

Open the table below for more in-depth information regarding the editor's different aspect ratios, comparable pixel sizes, and use cases.

Expand to view the full aspect ratio guide.

Aspect ratio

Default Size in Editor (unchanged after selecting aspect ratio)

Recommended uses

Recommended size in pixels

1:1 (Square)


  • Profile images

  • Grid and rotator items

  • 200x200

  • 400x400

4:3 (Standard)


  • Community post images

  • Web side-by-side modules

  • 800x600

  • 1024x768

  • 600x450

  • 800x600

5:4 (Classic)


  • Community post images

  • 1000x800

  • 1250x1000

16:9 (Widescreen)


  • Full-width web banners

  • web side-by-side modules

  • community post images

  • 1920x1080

  • 2560x1440

  • 1280x720

  • 1600x900

  • 1200x675

  • 1600x900

3:4 (Portrait)


  • Profile images

  • Grid and rotator items

  • 300x400

  • 600x800

4:5 (Instagram)


  • Profile images

  • community post images

  • Grid and rotator items

  • 400x500

  • 800x1000

  • 800x1000

  • 1200x1500

9:16 (Vertical Video)


  • Community post images

  • 1080x1920

  • 720x1280

25:8 (Panorama)


  • Full-width web banners

  • 2400x768

  • 3000x1000

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