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JUNO Learning Updates 2023-10-24

Release date: October, 24th 2023

This release includes enhancements for our learning management tools.


Dashboards LEARNING

  • Added Course Start Date dialog to the My Courses filtering window dashboard.

  • After applying filtering, dashboards now display selected Courses and Learners filter criteria on chips.



  • Removed option to show controls on mp4 videos in Lessons.

Mobile Updates PLATFORM

  • Removed Course editor access to courses on mobile.


Basic Analytics PLATFORM

  • Corrected an issue where Content Name and Slug were not displaying in the Analytics Reports.


  • Corrected as an issue where the course editor option did not display on courses for facilitators.

  • Corrected an issue where a selected date filter did not include all results.

Dashboards LEARNING

  • Corrected an issue where an end filter date did not display the correct symbol.

Das admin PLATFORM

  • Fixed the issue where fields were appearing as blank after editing/saving.

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