JUNO Learning Updates 2023-10-24
Release date: October, 24th 2023
This release includes enhancements for our learning management tools.
Dashboards LEARNING
Added Course Start Date dialog to the My Courses filtering window dashboard.
After applying filtering, dashboards now display selected Courses and Learners filter criteria on chips.
Removed option to show controls on mp4 videos in Lessons.
Mobile Updates PLATFORM
Removed Course editor access to courses on mobile.
Basic Analytics PLATFORM
Corrected an issue where Content Name and Slug were not displaying in the Analytics Reports.
Corrected as an issue where the course editor option did not display on courses for facilitators.
Corrected an issue where a selected date filter did not include all results.
Dashboards LEARNING
Corrected an issue where an end filter date did not display the correct symbol.
Das admin PLATFORM
Fixed the issue where fields were appearing as blank after editing/saving.