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Windows 10 Camera Solutions

Close any other application that might be using the Camera/Mic

  1. Open Task Manager

  2. Close any other applications that might be using the camera, then reload the webpage

Allow access to camera on this device & Allow desktop apps to access your camera toggles set to ON

  1. Select Start

  2. Select Settings

  3. Select Privacy

  4. Select Camera

  5. In |Allow access to the camera on this device| section make sure the toggle is set to On

  6. In |Allow desktop apps to access your camera| section make sure the toggle is set to On

If you recently updated Windows 10, you might need to give apps permission to use the camera. In newer versions of Windows 10, some apps don't have default access to the camera.

Re-install camera

  1. Type in the windows search bar: Device Manager

  2. Open Device Manager

  3. Click "Cameras" (Will open the cameras drop down)

  4. Right click the camera

  5. Click "Uninstall device" (Uninstall device menu will appear)

  6. Click "Uninstall"

  7. Click "Action" at the very top of device manager

  8. Click "Scan for hardware changes"

Check for Windows updates

  1. Type in the search bar: Check For Updates

  2. Click Check For Updates

If there are any updates install them.

Check your antivirus settings

  1. Go to your antivirus settings

  2. Look for settings that block access to your camera or permission to use your camera

  3. Make sure the antivirus isn't blocking access to your camera

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