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Mac Screenshare Solutions

Enable screen sharing

  1. Before changing your computer settings, copy the session URL so that you will be able to return to the session. You will also need to log in again, so make sure you have a magic link or know your email and password.

    1. We suggest pasting the session URL into your Notes app or a Word document so that you don’t lose it.

  2. Click the Apple menu.

  3. Click System Preferences.

  4. Click Security & Privacy.

  5. Click Screen Recording.

  6. Check the Google Chrome check box.

  7. Click Quit & Reopen. Your Chrome browser closes then reopens an empty browser window.

  8. Go back to the site by pasting the session URL that you copied. You are taken to a landing page to log in.

  9. Get a magic link to log in or log in with your email and password.

  10. Once logged in, paste the session URL that you copied. You are taken back to the session, where you can now share your screen.

If you do not see the Screen Record option, click on Location Services and use your down arrow to navigate the list

Content & privacy restrictions

  1. Click the apple icon to the top left of your display

  2. Click System Preferences

  3. Click Screen Time

  4. Click Content & Privacy

  5. Click “Turn Off”

Use software update

  1. Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu , then click Software Update to check for updates

  2. If any updates are available, click the Update Now button to install them

Still having trouble? Choose your browser below!

Chrome Screenshare Solutions

Safari Screenshare Solutions

Firefox Screenshare Solutions

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.