Add questions to your exhibitor suite
Using the editor, add questions that visitors can answer in your exhibitor suite.
Types of questions
You can create these types of questions:
Multiple choice (Select one answer)
Poll (Select one answer and see what the most popular answer was, by percentage)
Select many (Select more than one answer)
Fill in the blank (Type your own answer)
Order (Put answers in order)
Rating (Choose a number on a scale)
Add questions
There are two parts to adding a question.
First, create the question:
In the Questions tab, select Add Question.
Enter a Name for the question. This is only used to help you identify the question inside the editor. People won’t see it.
Type the question in the text box. This is what people will see.
Select the question Type.
Select Add Answer and type the answers you want people to select from.
Select the Correct Answer checkbox next to any correct answers. This is optional.
Select Save Changes.
Select Save Changes at the top of the page.

Creating the question.
Second, insert the question into the page’s description:
In the Information tab, find the Description text box. Click on a blank line where you want to place the question.
A Plus icon appears to the left of the text box. This is the Quick Insert menu.
Select Insert Question.
Questions you created appear in a pop-up window. Select one.
The question appears as
in the text box. On the page, the actual question and answers will appear.Select Save Changes at the top of the page when you’re finished.
A video example of inserting the question into the description.
Reorder questions
People will see questions in the order they’re shown in the Description text box in the Information tab. To reorder a question, delete it and reinsert it in the new location:
In the Information tab, highlight
in the Description text box and press Backspace on your keyboard.Press Backspace again to delete the line that the question was on. If you leave a blank line, the question will still appear.
Place your cursor at the end of another question and press Enter to create a new line.
Insert the question using the Quick Insert menu.
We don’t recommend copying and pasting questions. That can cause an error where the text ***question:#***
appears on the page instead of the question itself.
Reordering questions in the Questions tab doesn’t change what people see on your page.
A video example of reordering questions in the description.
Edit questions
In the Questions tab, select the Gear icon on the right side of a question. From there, you can edit its information and settings.

Remove questions from your page
You can remove a question from your page without deleting it completely. Do this if you want to save a question to use again later or keep its analytics data.
In the Information tab, highlight
in the Description text box and press Backspace on your keyboard.Press Backspace again to delete the line that the question was on. If you leave a blank line, the question will still appear.
Save Changes at the top of the page.
A video example of removing a question from the description.
Delete questions completely
You can delete questions completely from the Questions tab. Do this if you never want to use the question or its data again.
Deleted questions will not show up in any analytics reports downloaded in the future because all of the data is removed from the database.
In the Questions tab, select the Gear icon on the right side of a question.
Select Delete.
Save Changes at the top of the page.
If you had inserted the question into the page’s description, delete it there too. In the Information tab, highlight
in the Description text box and press Backspace on your keyboard.Save Changes at the top of the page.