JUNO Learning Updates 2023-04-07
Release date: April 7th, 2023
This release includes enhancements for our learning management tools.
Unlock the full potential of your e-learning experience with Access Passes, now available for integration on courses! - everything you need to know. LEARNING
A new Access Passes page has been added to Das Admin, where Admins can create, edit, and manage existing access passes. Customize your learner experience by associating tags with access passes and adding specific URLs for purchasing content.

Viewing the Access Passes page in Das Admin while creating a new Access Pass.

Editing an Access Pass
Once created, Admins and Instructors can link the passes to specific courses on the course information page in the course builder by selecting the new toggle Restrict enrolling by Access Level within the Rules section. When selected, a new drop-down labeled Access Pass and an additional toggle labeled Restrict access to preview course appear. These additional options allow admins and instructors to choose which access pass to connect and whether they want the course's home page restricted to learners before upgrading.

A view of the new options available on the Course information tab for Access Passes
Depending on how the course access pass is set up by the admin, when learners attempt to access a course that requires an upgrade, they will be prompted to Upgrade Now to access the course or Cancel, either by selecting the tile from the Courses' home page (Restrict access to preview toggle on), or from within the course preview (Restrict access to preview toggle off) when selecting the Access Course button. If a URL has been added to the access pass, learners are automatically redirected to the site specified by the URL upon selecting Upgrade Now in the dialog box and can follow additional instructions on that site or make a purchase to gain access to the content.

A view of the Premium Content upgrade dialog box as a learner attempts to gain access to a course with a linked access pass.
If the Upgrade URL field is left blank on the Access Pass, learners are prompted to try back later once a resource has been added to gain access. The update also includes syncing tags from Le Admin to Das Admin, and the ability to associate access passes with Access Level tags.

Wistia logo.
Wistia videos are now accepted on courses and Lesson parts. LEARNING
Admins and Instructors can now leverage Wistia videos on courses and lesson parts along with Youtube, Vimeo, and Mp4. This update includes the ability to control for percentage thresholds within lesson parts on Wistia videos in Das Admin and the Course Editor and gives learners full access to the video controls once the percentage threshold has been met and the lesson completed, giving admins and instructors more options to customize learners experiences.
Dashboards LEARNING
Updated the back-end work to connect and report all relevant course information on Dashboards and then update based on the type of role selected.
Prerequisites LEARNING
Implemented the ability to store and pass prerequisite information between the back and front end, allowing learners to enroll in courses only if they have met the prerequisite requirements while displaying those requirements and equivalents on the course homepage.
Transcripts PLATFORM
Updated all transcript data to be private and expire as expected on the front end.
Dashboards LEARNING
Fixed an issue where the real-time analytics for course data was not updating between Admin, Manager, and Learner.
Fixed an issue in production regarding a forever spinner impeding the ability for dashboards to load.
Fixed an issue where the Save button for CE didn't appear when updating Credit Info after connecting content.
Fixed an issue where the save button was not generating when changing the quantity field for retakes.
Fixed an issue where the quantity field for specific retake options did not recognize the default setting when enabled.
Transcripts PLATFORM
Implemented a quick solution to the issue with transcripts admins saw on all production and Das Admin sites.
Fixed an issue where a duplicate error message appeared when an incorrect video URL was input in the lesson-type field in Das Admin or Course Editor.