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JUNO Learning Updates 2024-02-22

Release date: February, 22nd 2024

This release includes enhancements for our learning management tools. 


E-commerce PLATFORM

  • Implemented a new feature allowing admins to toggle and select the base currency for purchases, specifically catering to international transactions with our Canadian-based e-commerce client, now facilitating transactions in USD and CAD in Das admin.


Changing the currency on a price level to CA$ in Das admin.


Feeds and forums COMMUNITY

  • Fixed the problem where user comments on feeds and forum posts appeared on incorrect threads.


Automation tool PLATFORM

  • Adjustments have been made to the Emailer tool's Analytics tab within the admin dashboard. Now, the '\+Create Subscription Group' button and the 'Group Unsubscribes' option in the three-dot menu are concealed, ensuring users can only access historical email data without the ability to create subscription groups or modify settings.

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