JUNO Learning Updates 2023-07-27
Release date: July 27th, 2023
This release includes enhancements for our learning management tools.
Streamline your course creation routine with the new Clone Course feature - everything you need to know LEARNING
You can now duplicate courses and avoid the hassle of creating similar courses from scratch, streamlining your workflow and saving you time with the new Clone Course button.

Cloning a course in the Course Editor.
Cloning a course
Locate the CLONE COURSE button placed on the left side of RECALCULATE GRADES within the course information tab in Das Admin and the Course Editor
Fill out the Clone Course modal: When you select the CLONE COURSE button, you'll be presented with a user-friendly interface that includes:
An editable Text Field for Course Title: This field will automatically populate with the course name from which you selected the CLONE COURSE button, prefixed with ‘CLONE -.'
Example: CLONE - Learning from Drones
An editable Text Field for Course Slug: The slug is auto-generated from the title, with spaces replaced by underscores, and doesn't allow for special characters.
Select the CLONE COURSE Button to complete the cloning process.
What is cloned
Course information: Title (with CLONE - prefix), Slug (with CLONE - prefix), Description, Body, Instructors, Passing %, Number of credits, Enrollment capacity, Prerequisites, Tags, Restrict enrollment, Images, Video URL, Access Passes (optional).
All lesson information: Title, Slug, Preview text, Description, Image, Graded lesson, Passing %, Timed lesson checkbox, hh:mm:ss (timed lesson), Allow retakes checkbox, Allow retakes, Quantity, Lesson parts.
All question information: Title, Description, Type, Score, Answer text, Correct checkbox, Min (rating), Max (rating), Increment (rating).
All video information: Title, File, URL, % Required to watch.
All blurb information: Title, Description.
All resource information: Title, Description, File, Image.
What is not cloned
Course information: Dates, Attached Education Credits, Enrollment information.
This new feature aims to make your course management experience more efficient and flexible, enabling you to focus on what matters most - delivering exceptional learning experiences.
New widgets in the basic analytics sections provide valuable insights and downloadable reports PLATFORM
We have implemented several new widgets on the basic analytics page, such as Courses Started, Courses Enrolled, On Demand/Library Views, On Demand/Library Comments, and CE Credits Earned under Learning Engagement. Each widget comes with downloadable reports, providing admins with valuable analytic data.
Please note that all existing analytics pages and reports are still available. This page is an addition to existing reports.

Examining the number of started courses year to date.
These new widgets allow the admin to track the total number of courses started, courses enrolled in, content views, content comments, and CE credits earned, categorized by respective courses or credits. These enhancements offer valuable insights for better decision-making and understanding of learner behavior.
The Basic Analytics page is a new page that was announced in the 2.8 release notes with updates released as recently as https://help.junolive.com/clients/juno-learning-updates-2023-07-21
Back-end work PLATFORM
Improved backend API efficiency by transitioning the GET Threads endpoints to return full user objects instead of user IDs, reducing frontend API calls and optimizing Thread dialogue display.
Implemented API support for creating, managing, and retrieving community groups with specified constraints on input fields, supported file types, and size limits, ensuring data integrity and consistency while utilizing TinyMCE editor for content and enabling deletion of groups by slug.
Implemented Price Level and Access Level Tag synchronization from vNow to vNext, ensuring separate management of Price Levels from other tags in vNext and enabling modifications to reflect corresponding changes between both systems.
Continued education credits (EC) LEARNING
Added the ability to change education credits and update them within connected content in real-time across the platform.
Course catalog LEARNING
Added "No Results Found" as a visual indicator that no courses are being found/displayed on a tab or page.
Das admin reports PLATFORM
Enhanced Course Reports Filtering Options for admins, including user-friendly Course and Course Start Date filters, updated 'Report Scope' to 'Filter Report,' hid all disabled reports, and removed the done button.
Basic analytics PLATFORM
Ensured all content reports in basic analytics have these columns present for consistency:
User ID, First Name, Last Name, Company, Email, User Points, Date Created, Date Last Login, Tags \(non-preferred\), Tags \(preferred\), Category, Action, Label, DateTime, Metric, User Agent, Content ID, Content Name, Content Slug.
Fixed an issue where adjusting start and end dates when pulling data with a custom date range led to a stuck loading state.
Continued education (EC) LEARNING
Fixed an issue where selecting the save button multiple times on the CE-connected content tab was saving the course as many times to the CE.
Course catalog LEARNING
Fixed the issue where incomplete courses were showing in the list view of My Completed Courses.
Course editor LEARNING
Added the ability to copy/paste dates on the course information pages.
Certificates LEARNING
Fixed an issue where the certificate preview was not showing completely.
Lesson retakes LEARNING
Removed answers being retained when retaking lessons.