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JUNO Learning Updates 2023-03-16

Release date: March 16, 2023

This release includes enhancements for our learning management tools.

✨ Highlights

Discover courses your way: Learners can now sort Course Catalogs by the options that matter most to them! LEARNING

Customize your learners' journey: Admins can now easily add filtering and sorting options to course catalog pages using our page builder feature in Das Admin. Depending on how the Admin sets this section up, learners can choose to filter courses by Instructor, Tag, or Start Date and easily sort by selecting from a convenient drop-down menu at the top of the page. This way, learners can quickly find the courses that best fit their preferences and schedule!

The Design section within Page Builder.

🚀 Improvements


  • Integrated Learning data into our backend database to improve analytics tracking and to lay the foundation for a future social community on the platform.

Course Editor LEARNING

  • To help admins and instructors easily locate and add tags to their courses, the tags drop-down is now organized by Tag Types and in alphabetical order.


  • Improved the mobile web layout on iPads, tablets, and phones to provide a more user-friendly experience for our mobile users by adjusting the layout to meet the latest mobile designs.

  • To enhance the learner experience, videos in Lessons can now be expanded to Full Screen and returned to their original size, with controls present for both views.

Das admin PLATFORM

  • Added an Instructors check box to the Page Builder designs so admins can choose to allow learners to filter by instructors on the courses' pages in the future.

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