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Updating your profile

This guide will help you navigate your profile and add details you want other users to see. Follow the steps below to update your banner image, profile image, basic information, about section, experience, education, skills, and interests.


Viewing a profile.

Navigating to Your Profile

  1. Select your avatar in the top right-hand corner.

  2. In the subsequent menu, select the Profile button.


Navigating to the profile section of the platform.

Adding a Banner Image

  1. On the profile page, locate the Banner Image section.

  2. Select the area to upload an image or drag and drop an image file.

    • Acceptable file types: 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'bmp'.

  3. You can also edit the image.

Adding a Profile Image

  1. Locate the Profile Image section below the banner image.

  2. Select the area to upload an image or drag and drop an image file.

    • Acceptable file types: 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'bmp'.

  3. You can also edit the image.

Updating Basic Information

  1. Locate the Basic Information section.

  2. You can fill in the following fields:

    • First Name: Character limit 30

    • Last Name: Character limit 30

    • Title: Character limit 60

    • Company/School: Character limit 128

    • Headline: Character limit 256

    • LinkedIn: Character limit 256

    • Twitter: Character limit 256

    • Facebook: Character limit 256

    • Instagram: Character limit 256

    • Phone Number: Character limit 32

    • Location: No character limit


Updating the Basic Information section.

Adding an About Section

  1. Locate the About section.

  2. Enter the information about yourself (Character limit: 1024).


Updating the About section of a profile.

Managing Experience

  1. Locate the Experience section.

  2. Select the + icon to add a new section.

  3. Fill in the following fields for each experience entry:

    • Job Title: Character limit 128

    • Company: Character limit 128

    • Start Date: Character limit 32

    • End Date: Character limit 32

    • Description: Character limit 1024

  4. To remove a section, select the trash icon.


Updating the Experience section.

Managing Education

  1. Locate the Education section.

  2. Select the + icon to add a new section.

  3. Fill in the following fields for each education entry:

    • School Name: Character limit 256

    • Degree: Character limit 128

    • Field of Study: Character limit 128

    • Start Date: Character limit 32

    • End Date: Character limit 32

  4. To remove a section, select the trash icon.


Managing the Education section.

Managing Skills

  1. Locate the Skills section.

  2. Add or remove tags as needed.

  3. Select the Save button to save changes, or use the X icon to cancel.

Managing Interests

  1. Locate the Interests section.

  2. Add or remove interests as needed.

  3. Select the Save button to save changes, or use the X icon to cancel.


Updating the skills and interests sections.


You have successfully updated your profile. Please review all the information for accuracy and completeness. For further assistance, refer to the additional resources or support provided by JUNO.

End Result:


Viewing a fully updated profile.

Additional Tips:

  • Regularly update your profile to reflect your latest information.

  • Ensure that images meet the acceptable file types to avoid upload issues.

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